at FOREST株式会社
at FOREST Inc.
- DeathTech
「森と生きる・森に還る・森をつくる」を合言葉に、墓標も何も残さず森林に埋葬するサービス循環葬RETURN TO NATURE。生前から森林浴の場として森をご利用いただけ、ご遺骨は自然との循環を促す方法で埋葬。ご遺族やお仲間のお墓まいりの時間も森林浴に変わります。売上の一部は、拠点となる森の保全活動に充てると共に、森林保全団体に寄付。誰にでも訪れる〝死〟を森づくりにつなげ、自然豊かな未来に貢献します。
Under the slogan 'Live with the forest, return to the forest, create the forest', this service offers burial in the forest without leaving any grave markers. The forest can be used as a place for forest bathing from the time of death, and the remains are buried in a way that promotes circulation with nature. The time spent by the bereaved family and friends visiting the graves is also transformed into a forest bathing experience. Part of the proceeds are used for conservation activities in the forest and donated to forest conservation organisations. Death, which comes to everyone, is linked to the creation of forests and contributes to a future rich in nature.
- WEBサイト
- https://returntonature.jp/