


  • AgriTech
  • ClimateTech

弊社は植物工場(水と電気で野菜をつくる農業施設)に特化したアグリテック系のスタートアップです。 農地のない都心部の居抜き物件を活用して小規模植物工場を建設しています。導入地域の飲食店(プロユース市場)に生産野菜の流通販売させる為、物流問題も解消しながら地域産業の創出を行います。室内で沢山の野菜を育てる(光合成)ことでCO₂を削減に寄与し、オフィス空間などに導入すればコミュニテイースポットとなります。

We are an agritech startup specializing in vertical farming facilities, commonly referred to as plant factories, which employ hydroponic systems for cultivating vegetables. Our mission involves establishing compact plant factories on unused urban land and inside buildings, eliminating the need for traditional farmland in city centers. Our aim is to address logistical challenges while promoting local industry development, facilitating the distribution and sale of freshly produced vegetables to restaurants within the vicinity. Our indoor, photosynthesis-based vegetable cultivation significantly contributes to carbon dioxide reduction. Moreover, when integrated into office spaces, it transforms into a vibrant community hub.