- MaterialTech
海洋プラスチックゴミ100%で出来た「buoy」は、全てのゴミの採取地と採取した団体が記載されたプロダクトです。購入者は「buoy」を手に取ることによって海洋ゴミ漂着の実態を知ることが出来、かつ購入によって間接的にそのゴミを減らす活動を支援することになります。 こうした仕組みが拡がることで、ゴミの漂着地と購入者(支援者)が人的につながることで各地域の自立的なゴミ削減活動をプロデュースしてゆきます。
“buoy" is made of 100% marine plastic litter. All “buoy" products are labeled with the location where the trash was collected and the organization who collected them. Those who pick up a "buoy" can learn about the reality of marine waste drift. And those who purchase "buoy" will be indirectly supporting activities to reduce waste. As this system expands, it will connect the areas where waste is found and the supporters in a human way. This will lead to the expansion of spontaneous waste reduction activities in each community. This is the goal of the "buoy" as social business.